WORDS L1,L2,<n> splits the text on edit lines L1-L2 so that each line consists of <n> words. On the last line the number of words may be less than <n>. WORDS L1,L2 counts the number of words etc. on lines L1,L2 so that the results will be displayed on the command line in the form WORDS L1,L2 // #words=xx #chars=xx (#letters,#digits,#punct,#special) where #punct is the number of punctuation characters (.,;: etc.). A system file CHARTYPE.BIN classifies characters to above categories. In the latter form a more extensive summary of the text by words can be made by entering a SAVE=<text_file_name> specification. Then a new text file contains the words and their lengths as lines. The summary may be extended by giving CHARS=xyz... where xyz... is a list of characters to be counted for each word. The first line of the text file gives labels of the variables in the form word len x y z . . . The characters may be filtered by FILTER=<file.BIN>. For example, FILTER=LOWCASE.BIN maps upper case letters to lower case and preserves non-letter charaters while FILTER=LETTERS.BIN does the same thing but replaces non-letter characters by a space. See also CHARS?