Survo commands accepting <Survo> notation for the system path: SAVE, LOAD, SAVEP, LOADP, SHOW, TUTSAVE, TUTLOAD, CODES SAVE, CODES LOAD, UPDATE, CHECK, desktop operations (see DESKTOP?), and OS commands (when activated from Survo). Commands for data management and statistical methods, etc. do not accept <Survo> notation because data files and other files of the user should be kept in directories outside the <Survo> path. Examples: LOAD <Survo>\U\START loads the START edit field of Survo >COPY <Survo>\U\SYS\PS.DEV A: copies the Survo PostScript driver to the (floppy) disk A: C = more information on control operations D = more information on file management E = more information on the Survo Editor