Links to other programs and to the web Files made by other programs as well as websites can be opened while working in Survo simply by activating (path)names of files and website addresses appearing within the text in the edit field. For example, the website of Survo is opened by activating by the double-click or by the ESC key. Similarly, when activating a filename of a PDF file, say D:\PAPERS\DOC1.PDF, Survo calls the START command of the Windows command interpreter to open this file by the program (typically Adobe Acrobat) associated to this filetype (see in Windows 'Folder options' -> 'File types'). Typical filetypes of Survo like edit files (.EDT), data files (.SVO), matrix files (.MAT), etc. can be browsed by activating their pathnames typed in the edit field using suitable 'show' commands. Please note that if an edit line containing a link word starts by a valid Survo command word, the command is always activated in the first place. Associations described above are defined in a Survo system file OPEN.SYS. More details (for advanced users) on the next page! System file OPEN.SYS This text file defines the Survo associations for immediate access to files maintained by the web browser, other programs, or Survo itself. LOADP <Survo>\U\SYS\OPEN.SYS 0 www. /OPEN 0 http:// /OPEN / Only beginning of the file is displayed here. 0 *.html /OPEN / /OPEN is a sucro which simply activates 0 *.htm /OPEN / the START command. 1 *.pdf /OPEN 1 *.edt SHOW 1 *.txt SHOW 1 *.svo FILE SHOW 1 *.mat /MATSHOW etc. For example, the line 0 www. /OPEN tells that any string in the edit field starting by "www.", say, will be opened by the command /OPEN The '0' as the first item says that iterpretation of the keyword "www." is case-sensitive. (To be continued on the next page) Thus in this case Survo activates the command interpreter by >START which according to standard Windows associations calls the default web browser to show the page in the given address. Other examples: 1 *.pdf /OPEN opens a PDF file with the extension .pdf by using a program which is associated to these files in Windows. '1' in front of the line tells that the keyword "*.pdf" is not case-sensitive. 1 *.svo FILE SHOW creates and activates the Survo command FILE SHOW <Survo_data_file_with_the_extension_.SVO> For example, if G:\STUDY1\SAMPLE1.SVO is activated, Survo tries to open a Survo data file (extension .SVO) by the command FILE SHOW G:\STUDY1\SAMPLE1.SVO The user can extend and modify OPEN.SYS by any means intended for text files. L = Links and cross references in Survo