[vastaus aiempaan viestiin]
Kirjoittaja: | Kimmo Vehkalahti |
Sähköposti: | - |
Päiväys: | 27.1.2002 11:14 |
Uusittu versio sukrosta PS-PDF on ohessa. Se hakee "Program Files"- hakemiston nimen Survon omasta hakemistopolusta, joka on yleensä (Survon asennusohjelman ehdottama) C:\PROGRA~1\Survo\ tai suomeksi C:\OHJELM~1\Survo\. (Tarkemmat ohjeet sukron käyttöönsaamiseksi Seppo Mustosen viestissä 18.1.2002 15:08 otsikolla "Re: print preview?") terveisin Kimmo DELETE / Vie kohdistin kontrollisarakkeeseen ja aktivoi tämä rivi. *TUTSAVE <Survo>\U\S\PS-PDF / Talleta sukro tällä komennolla. / Convert PS file to PDF file by Acrobat Distiller and / show the result by Acrobat. Full Acrobat package required. / K.Vehkalahti 23.8.2001 (23.8.2001) (3.1.2002) (25.1.2002) / /PS-PDF K.PS / makes K.PDF in the same directory & opens it / ----------------------------------------------------------- *{tempo -1}{init}{save stack}{disp off} *{W1=PSPDF}{call SUR-SAVE}{break on}{del stack}{load stack} - if W1 '=' ? then goto Help - if W1 '=' (empty) then goto Help *{line start}{erase}{erase}{pre}F / def Wps=W1 Wpdf=W2 Wdir=W3 Wline=W4 WDist=W5 WAcro=W6 Wx=W7 Wi=W8 *{WDist=\Distillr\AcroDist.exe}{WAcro=\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe} *{save system acrobat_path Wx} - if Wx '<>' {} then goto A0 *{message} * System parameter acrobat_path not found!@{goto ERR} + A0: {pre}{disk}{line start}{find ~}{save char Wi} - if Wi '<>' ~ then goto A1 *{find \}{erase}\Adobe\Acroba~1.0{l}{save word Wx} + A1: {line start}{erase}{WDist=Wx&WDist}{WAcro=Wx&WAcro} *CHECK {print WDist}{act}{next word}{save word Wx}{line start}{erase} - if Wx '=' OK then goto A2 *{message} * Adobe Acrobat Distiller not found!@{goto ERR} + A2: *CHECK {print WAcro}{act}{next word}{save word Wx}{line start}{erase} - if Wx '=' OK then goto A3 *{message} * Adobe Acrobat not found!@{goto ERR} + A3: {save datapath Wdir} *CHECK {print Wps}{act}{next word}{save word Wx}{line start}{erase} - if Wx '=' OK then goto A4 *CHECK {print Wdir}{print Wps}{act}{next word} *{save word Wx}{line start}{erase} - if Wx '=' OK then goto a4 *{message} * Given PostScript (PS) file does not exist!@{goto ERR} + a4: {Wps=Wdir&Wps} + A4: {print Wps}{home}{find .}{erase}.pdf{l}{save word Wpdf} *{line start}{erase}FILE DEL {print Wpdf}{act}{line start}{erase} *>START /MIN {print WDist} {print Wps}{act}{line start}{erase} / Must wait 'til Distiller's ready! That's why PDF was deleted above. *{Wi=0} + A5: CHECK {print Wpdf}{act}{next word}{save word Wx} - if Wx '=' OK then goto A6 *{line start}{erase}{Wi=Wi+1}WAIT 1{act}{home}{erase} - if Wi < 30 then goto A5 *{message} * Portable Document File (PDF) was not created!@{goto ERR} + A6: {line start}{erase}>START /MAX {print WAcro} {print Wpdf}{act} *{line start}{erase}{print Wline}{goto E} + Help: {message} * /PS-PDF <file.PS> * creates and opens <file.PDF> with Adobe Acrobat.@ + ERR: {disp on}{disp off} - on key - key _: continue - wait 600 *{message}@{goto E} / def W1=W1 + E: {W1=PSPDF}{call SUR-RESTORE}{pre}f{disp on}{tempo +1}{end}
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